The Mushpit

Directed by Thibault Picquoin

Hosted by Filmmaker/Director Thibault Picquoin



Best art direction


Thibault Picquoin


Concordia University, Mel Hoppenheim


Thibault Picquoin


Lucas Ditecco, Alina Joy Vartanian

Sound Designer

Lucas Ditecco, Michael Hajj, Thibault Picquoin



Canada 2024 7 mins OV English Subtitles : French

Jimmy G. Fungus is a young mushroom stuck in the lowest pit of existence: the Mushpit, a place where everyone he loved met their demise, full of creeps, and where the light never reaches. After another night of heavy drinking in a bar, a stranger calls him out on his cowardice and the dream he gave up on, due to the loss of a dear friend and his grief. This confrontation hits jimmy deeply, triggering a trippy existential crisis where he meet his decisded friend telling him to realize his dream. Once awaken from this mental journey, Jimmy decides to leave the mushpit to pursue his dream of reaching the surface and seeing the flowers there.