Directed by Kevin T. Landry, Andréanne Poisson-Robert
Hosted by Director Kevin Landry, Director Andréanne Poisson-Robert
Cinéma du Musée PRESENTED IN Science-Fiction et Fantastique
Andréanne Poisson-Robert, Kevin T. Landry
Maxime Cormier, Marc-Antoine Darche, Camille Desgagné, Claire Gagnon, Isabelle Giroux, Geneviève Goupil, Sarah Kéita, Alexandre L'Heureux, Dany Lefebvre, Simon Pelletier-Gilbert, Hinde Rabbaj
Francis Fortin
Matt Nantel
Samuel Desrosiers
Kevin T. Landry
Kino Montréal
7:00 PM
A program that vividly showcases how new technologies enable the creation of worlds with limitless possibilities.
A communication firm's personal narrator project goes off the rails when a strange transmittable anomaly forces the narrators to reveal publicly their clients deepest insecurities.